Democracy Research Resources

Brennan Center for Justice - The Brennan Center for Justice is a nonpartisan law and policy institute.

  • Brennan Center on Responding to the Coronavirus Crisis - The Brennan Center of Justice is devising comprehensive plans to ensure the 2020 election is free, fair, safe, secure — and accessible to all. The solutions: wider online voter registration and other election tools, extended deadlines, and a move to make vote-by-mail universally available while retaining safe options for in-person voting. The most urgent need now is for Congress to appropriate enough money to the states to put in place necessary changes to our election system, and we have provided those cost estimates. We continue to work state by state to make these recommendations a reality and to ensure that all eligible citizens can vote and have their ballots counted.

Demos - The Demos policy and research team develops race-forward policy ideas and analysis for policymakers and grassroots organizations fighting for economic, social, and political power.

  • Demos on COVID-19 & Racial Justice - The escalating COVID-19 pandemic impacts all of us, but for Black and brown people in particular, the combined health and economic devastation is truly terrifying. Communities of color have higher rates of asthma, less access to health care centers, are more likely to live in food deserts, and are among the most vulnerable in the face of this virus. The workers most on edge in our economy—and most likely to lose their jobs—are predominantly Black and brown. Most Americans lack even $400 of savings to call upon in times of crisis, and that lack of wealth is even more pronounced for Black and brown communities.

MIT Election Data Science Lab - The lab supports advances in election science by collecting, analyzing, and sharing core data and findings. They also aim to build relationships with election officials and others to help apply new scientific research to the practice of democracy in the United States.

Pew Research Center - Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. For the latest democracy and election news visit:

Sightline Institute - Sightline equips the Northwest’s citizens and decision-makers with the policy research and practical tools they need to advance long-term solutions to our region’s most significant challenges. Their work includes in-depth research, commentary, and analysis, delivered online, by email, and in-person to Northwest policy champions, emerging leaders, and a range of community partners.

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