Topic: Paths to Understanding: Bridging Bias and Building Unity Through Multi-Faith Peacemaking with Terry Kyllo, Executive Director
Join us this year for an online powerful experience to advocate for democracy and climate issues.
The program should help you identify some of the important issues coming up in this legislative session, and prepare you to lobby with your legislators for the bills you want to see passed. Over the course of the week, we will be meeting with legislators to advocate for bills that will protect our democracy. You will also:
Monday, January 24 - 5-8:30 pm
Tuesday, January 25 – Thursday, January 26
Thursday, January 26 - 6-7 pm
Important Notes:
We are requesting a $5.00 donation to help cover event expenses. Since this is an advocacy event, these donations are not tax deductible. If you are not able to make this donation, please reach out, as we don't want to exclude anyone unable to pay.
All events will be recorded (except for legislator meetings). If you are not sure you can make it to one or more of the events, please register anyway, as all registrants will receive links to all events.