Working for the
Will of the PeoPle,
Not the Power of Money

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About Fix Democracy First
Our focus is on reforms intended to strengthen democracy in Washington State and nationally, that include campaign finance reform, public funding of elections, ranked choice voting, reversing Citizens United, expanding voting access, and increasing civic participation.
About UsLearn Why We're Here
democracy-strengthening bills passed with the help of Fix Democracy First since 2017
new voters registered in the last 2 years as a result of our community engagement work.
signatures gathered to pass I-735 to reverse Citizen's United, etc.
Our Programs
Fix Democracy First hosts a weekly Democracy Happy Hour on Wednesdays @ 5-6:30pm PT.

Grab a drink and join us and learn about the latest democracy efforts, challenges, solutions, as well upcoming events and actions.
WON (Women in Office Now), another project of Fix Democracy First Education Fund, is a statewide program that consists of several training modules to help enable women to successfully run for office in Washington state.

WON, in collaboration with other organizations, is also working to build a statewide leadership support network to help women as they run for office.
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Our Work
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democracy-strengthening bills passed with the help of Fix Democracy First since 2017
new voters registered in the last 2 years as a result of our community engagement work.
signatures gathered to pass I-735 to reverse Citizen's United, etc.
SSB 5208 – Updating the process for online voter registration by allowing voter applicants to provide the last four digits of social security number for authentication.
This would update our online voter registration to allow people to register with their Social Security Number and a submitted signature, expanding access to people without Washington driver’s licenses.
ESHB 1048 – WA Voting Rights Act Enhancements
(Companion bill to SB 5047) Enhancing the Washington voting rights act.
E2SSB 5112 – Updating processes related to voter registration.
The improved system would automatically register voters who provide a document proving their US citizenship during visits to DMV. They will then receive a notice by mail giving them the opportunity to opt out.

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