Suppressed and Sabotaged: The Fight to Vote Film Screening

Event Details

A big thank you to Angela Arms for leading a great discussion and our event sponsors:

Event Recording:

Chat file (will download to your computer):

Suppressed and Sabotaged: The Fight to Vote (full documentary) -

Call to Action - What can you do?

  • Register to Vote – Update as needed
  • Help Register Voters – Educate voters on rules & restrictions
  • Join Organizations – Local & National (see lists below)
  • Become a Poll Worker – Reach out to local election offices
  • Help Other States – Write postcards, phone bank, etc.
  • Contact Elected Officials – Push them to expand voting access
  • Advocate to Expand Voting Access - Locally & Nationally
  • Run for Office – We need dedicated people to get elected!
  • Help Get Out the Vote to increase turnout
  • VOTE!

Local Democracy/Voting Organizations in WA State:

National Democracy/Voting Organizations:

Dial-In Details
6:30 pm
Upcoming Events
September 25, 2024
Democracy Happy Hour – September 25, 2024

Topic: When We All Vote with Amanda Hollowell, National Managing Director. Join us from 5-6:30pm PT for a weekly discussion about our democracy.

September 28, 2024
Democracy in the Park Picnic - Manito Park, Spokane

Join Fix Democracy First for a special Democracy in the Park Picnic event in Spokane on September 28, 2024 for lots of great food, drinks, activities, conversation, and more!

October 2, 2024
Democracy Happy Hour – October 2, 2024

Topic: Election Protection Coalition with Danny Navarro

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